Flexible Surfaces

The third workshop for the design of the FIANDRE ARCHITECTURE BUREAU took place in April 2016 in the sala architettura berlin. This workshop’s topic was flexible surfaces and it brought together the team of Bernd Bess (BESS Architects), Yoraco González (Serein Konzeptkunst und Mikroarkitektur), Eva Lang (Knerer und Lang Architekten) and Sylvia Leydecker (100% interior, Köln). Their task was to advance the outcomes of the two previous workshop that had set the form and surface structure of the exhibition space. Input was given by Prof. Carsten Wiewiorra (Wiewiorra Hopp Schwark Architekten) and the lecture held by Jürgen Mayer H. (J. MAYER H. und Partner Architekten).

  • German
  • 06/2016
  • Till Kind, Kika Yang, Fred Plassmann
  • Stefan Bialkowski
  • OFFscreen