Gutes Klima?! – Lebendige Zentren und Quartiere
Good climate in the lively Centers and Neighborhoods
Gutes Klima in den Lebendigen Zentren und Quartieren
The fact that a city like Berlin has to deal intensively with the issues of climate change and climate protection is a comparatively current topic of urban development, but it has already been an integral part of the urban policy discourse for ten years. Against the backdrop of future urban challenges such as increased periods of heat or water scarcity, more green and open path connections, better rainwater management or energy-efficient building refurbishment are to be promoted in particular
The short film series Gutes Klima?! commisioned in 2020 by the Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen uses three redevelopment projects in the Müllerstraße/Turmstraße, Karl-Marx-Straße/Sonnenallee and Adlershof development areas to show how the promotion of vibrant neighborhoods can go hand in hand with urban climate adaptation.