Arch+ Features 57: Lacaton & Vassal

For the Arch+ Features 57 Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal sat down for a discussion with Georg Vrachliotis on the occasion of the Frei Otto retrospective he curated at the ZKM in Karlruhe. They discussed the conceptual proximity between Lacaton & Vassal’s work and the eco-houses that Frei Otto designed for the IBA Berlin.

We documented the interview with Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal. The two architects talk about their interest in Frei Otto’s eco-houses and the way the houses combine the density of the city with ecology and participation. Both Lacaton & Vassal’s work aswell as the eco-houses share the vision of an architecture as open structure, in which the resident’s space for creative freedom stands paramount rather than the creative will of the architects.

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  • ARCH+