
An artificial replica of our world has been crammed into a completely controlled human-made structure. The coexistence of steel, a most transformed building material together with a variety of plant species strangely becomes normal after spending some years in this structure.

Adapting was easier than expected. It feels good to be in control of a whole ecosystem but when the feeling becomes too overpowering, we can caress the plants, touch them and feel them, reassuring we are still in oneness. Together we have to be cared for by the machines: Taking showers, feeding on nutrients, and sleeping under one Roof. A roof that tries its best to barely be there but still isolates us from the unpredictable chaos of the Outside. Like our plants, we are happy here and growing to become our best selves.

Plantbased is a fictional documentary, showing impressions and situations that have been made up in an environment that is uncannily real. Mixing these impressions question our distance to hidden processes, that are needed to maintain our hyper-comfortable lifestyles.

Supported by Fachgebiets Bildende Kunst (TU Berlin), Dr.Phil. Alex Gross and Mika Schwarz
Music by Robin Hülsemann (ro:hm)