Old Cities for Young People

The association “Städte mit historischen Stadtkernen des Landes Brandenburg”, which was founded in 1991, includes 31 historical cities in the county of Brandenburg.

It aims for the preservation of historical monuments, its reactivation and the participation of its citizens. With the two projects, the integrative day-care center in Wittstock at the river Dosse  and the school of further education in the redeveloped “Garde Ulanen” barracks in Potsdam, the films shows the balance between historical monuments and modern architecture. The main aspects of these projects are the relocation of public facilities in historical buildings. Its intension is to increase the attractiveness of small cities, to reinforce the infrastructures and to reduce of the age-selective migration.

  • German
  • 12/2013
  • Ute Freund
  • Offscreen Modernmedia
  • complan Kommunalberatung GmbH